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Scholarship Information

Below, there is a list of assorted national and local scholarship opportunities, including due dates and additional application information. The list includes scholarships for students grades 7-12. Please check with your Post-Secondary Options Coach for updated submission deadlines.

9 - 12 Grade Awards and Scholarships:

Don't forget to apply to Specific College and University Scholarships - Click here to see the quick details and links

Important points to keep in mind when completing scholarship applications are: 

  • Organize and prioritize. To be successful you must determine what you need to apply and when the deadlines are. 
  • Be aware that you need to be able to write about a variety of topics, that may or may not be exciting to you, in a fluid and thoughtful way
    • You must understand yourself well enough to create a compelling portrait of who you are
    • You must understand your audience well enough to be able to position your skills and strengths as deserving of their support.
  • Applying for scholarships takes more work than writing down a list of extracurricular activities 

Additional Scholarship Websites that might be useful:

Additional help and suggestions for completing scholarships can be found by clicking on this link Scholarship Help   

Worrying about the cost of college and not able to complete the FAFSA?  Check out this link to learn more about the CASFA

Q: Who can apply for CASFA:

A: CASFA is a safe, easy way to apply for state financial aid if you are a Colorado ASSET (Advancing Students for a Stronger Tomorrow) student.  Non-U.S. citizen resident and non-resident students can use the CASFA to apply for institutional aid.

9th, 10th, and 11th-grade scholarships: see the Information pages for the specific grade level